ESL Courses

Females Only

HBT offers women-only English Language Courses (ESL). By offering women-only classes, we offer more than just an opportunity to learn English language. Here, women can connect and network with other women in the community.

Moreover,  Knowledge of the English language plays a critical role in personal, community, and professional life. Therefore, offering women-only courses, provides a level of comfort and security for these women and families.

Language learners need an accepting, secure, and supportive environment that engages them. Generally, women are responsible for the home and children. Women who can read, write and speak English, enjoy immeasurable benefits of freedom, starting with the ability to hold a conversation and interact with their respective communities, learning how to drive, finding a job, become a U.S citizens, and, most notably it will enable mothers to assist their children with homework.


HBT offers women-only English Language Courses (ESL). By offering women-only classes, we provide more than an opportunity to learn the English language. Here, women can connect and network with other women in the community.

Moreover, It is a place for women to become inspired and work hard towards their goals of gaining knowledge of the English language for their well-being and that of their family without the pressure of learning amongst men. Knowledge of the English language plays a critical role in personal, community, and professional life. Therefore, offering women-only courses, provides a level of comfort and security these women and families.

Language learners need an accepting, secure, and supportive environment that engages them. Generally, women are responsible for the home and children. Women who can read, write and speak English, enjoy immeasurable benefits of freedom, starting with the ability to hold a conversation and interact with their respective communities, learning how to drive, finding a job, become a U.S citizens, and, most notably it will enable mothers to assist their children with homework.