Devastating Floods in Afghanistan

At least 60 people have tragically lost their lives, with over a hundred more injured due this devastating flood in Afghanistan, according to initial reports. These losses are concentrated in a single district of Baghlan province, though the actual toll is likely higher. Local sources from Balkh province have reported flooding in at least four districts and the city of Pol-e Khomri,the provincial capital.

The HBT team is actively assessing the situation, and our response teams are en route to Baghlan and Balkh Provinces to provide essential aid to those severely impacted by the this devastating floods. 

The situation is very serious, and the people there need our help to get through this tough time. We’ve started this Campaign  because we want to bring some hope and help to the people of Afghanistan. We’re focusing all our efforts here, where help is greatly needed.

Baghlan Province


Our goal is to raise $5,000, and every penny will go directly to the families who have lost so much—their homes, and even loved ones like parents, brothers, sisters, and children. Here’s what we’ll provide with your generous donations:

  • Emergency Shelter Kit: A tent and blankets to keep families warm and dry.
  • Clothing Bundle: Includes jackets, pants, and waterproof clothing to protect them from the elements.
  • First Aid Kit: Essential medical supplies for treating injuries.
  • Financial Assistance: We’ll give $100 in cash to each family to help them with their immediate needs.

Recently, heavy rains caused terrible floods in Nangarhar, Farah, Herat, Zabul, Kandahar, Ghor and other affected provinces, impacting over 15 provinces in total. Many families woke up to find their homes and farms destroyed. More than 1,600 families lost their homes, and many of them were injured. The majority of casualties resulted from the collapse of around 600 houses. Additionally, 200 livestock perished, and more than 63,000 acres of land were damaged.

Your support can really make a difference in lighting up these dark times for these families. They need all the help they can get, and every bit of support means the world to them. Thank you for considering a donation to help rebuild lives.

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